![Boot Para Mastercores Tibia](https://k.kakaocdn.net/dn/b33mPn/btqBljiZrAb/g3hpqlYL9L2bBAeBsX6DIK/img.jpg)
About Us We are group of former tibia players, we played tibia for many years and we loved it and now we decided to develop tibia heal bot for tibia 11 that bypass battleye to help people exp and fight.
![Para Para](https://i.imgur.com/8Lx0qjF.jpg)
Boot Para Mastercores Tibia And Knee
![Foot Foot](https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/s3_vods/9d767e0181_nanzur_22434006192_488081321/thumb/thumb0-640x360.jpg)
![Tibia Tibia](https://mastercores.com/images/client_image_2019_05_03.png)
It's up to you which one you wanna play. They're both good in my opinion but don't start playing a server just because other people tell you to.If you like mastercores - Play mastercoresIf you like realOTS - Play realOTSIt's very simple =) I'm gonna give my vote to realOTS though.The reason i chose realots is because i've got tons of old memories of realots and i know it's a server that will definetely stay up a long time.I'm not saying that realOTS is better than mastercores i like and respect realsofts work as well.
Boot Para Mastercores Tibia Surgery
It's up to you which one you wanna play. They're both good in my opinion but don't start playing a server just because other people tell you to.If you like mastercores - Play mastercoresIf you like realOTS - Play realOTSIt's very simple =) I'm gonna give my vote to realOTS though.The reason i chose realots is because i've got tons of old memories of realots and i know it's a server that will definetely stay up a long time.I'm not saying that realOTS is better than mastercores i like and respect realsofts work as well.
![Boot Para Mastercores Tibia](https://k.kakaocdn.net/dn/b33mPn/btqBljiZrAb/g3hpqlYL9L2bBAeBsX6DIK/img.jpg)